Sunday, October 18, 2009

Week #6 ♦ Thing #15 ♦ Copyright, Creative Commons, & The Web 2.0 Road

I see the Library 2.0 tools as new ways for people to communicate and problem solve creatively. Creative Commons is a vehicle for this kind of communication. I visited CC and found a cool idea from a woman named Michele Martin ( She took the idea of the 23 Things and “remixed” it to suit the needs of non-profit organizations. She created a wiki for the project We as educators constantly need to be pro-active when it comes to providing our students with the tools they need to be successful, responsible, problem-solving members of their local and global communities. The Library 2.0 tools allow us to communicate with our students and with each other effectively and creatively. Technology is the pulse of today’s society, and we have to keep our finger on the pulse.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate and commend your opinion about the need to be pro-active. Librarians do need to leverage these tools.
