Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Week #5 ♦ Thing #11 ♦ Web 2.0 Award Winning Applications & Ning

This Traveler IQ was calculated on Wednesday, September 30, 2009 at 08:55PM GMT by comparing this person's geographical knowledge against the Web's Original Travel journal's 4,594,111 travelers who've taken the challenge.

So, I am totally addicted to the Travel IQ challenge! I actually shared it with our 6th grade geography teacher and I visited his classroom yesterday and found his students taking the challege interactively via the smartboard! It was great!

I was also really pleased to find out that I was pretty familiar with some of the Web 2.0 Award winning sites. I frequently use sites such as Google Maps, Google Docs, and Youtube. I also have some experience with Craigslist, PB Wiki, and Facebook. I decided to try a site I wasn't familiar with and had a lot of fun exploring Im Cooked. It was like Youtube for cooking videos.

Lastly, I visited Ning and joined Classroom 2.0. I was a little unsure of what I was doing until I read an article explaining exactly what a social network is- and I realized that I already have social networking experience. I jumped on the myspace.com bandwagon a long time ago, but gave it up because as a teacher I felt pretty vulnerable posting personal information (even though my site was password protected). I think just about everyone I know has joined Facebook and I have thought about it, but again, I worry about confidentiality. Classroom 2.0 seems different. Of course you always need to be careful, but it seems like a great place to share ideas with other professionals in my field.

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